The Company ‘One-Pager’

The Most Important Document Your Startup Needs to Get Off the Ground

3 min readNov 7, 2021


What marketing materials do you need when you are getting your company off the ground?

It depends… usually on the product or service, and the specific target market, but one piece that almost all startups need is company one-pager.

The company one pager is, like the name suggests, a single sheet of paper that summarizes everything your customer needs to know to ‘make a decision,’ like a decision about whether to invest value time and money to learn more about you are doing.

The one pager summarizes:

  • The problem you solve
  • How you solve the problem (features)
  • The benefits gained by using your product
  • Why your product is better than alternatives
  • Why your company is unique

The one-pager typically includes a diagram, screen shot, or other graphic that highlights your user experience or an advantage your product provides, over and above, alternative solutions.

What’s great about the one-pager is that it forces you to distill your messaging into a single sheet of paper. Creating a one-pager requires the same mindset you use when packing for…




Written by dlavenda

Go-to-Market Expert | Strategic Marketing Advisor | Technology & Product Innovator | I Help Launch and Grow B2B Companies | Award-winning Writer | PhD Candidate

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